Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lips be bustin Out!!

1/31 card for 365 Project. It's title is "After The Dentist" My recent personal upset as you can see involved lots of Novocaine and uncomfortable swelling. On the artistic front I got some useful constructive criticism that I will implement tomorrow. Eagerly awaiting a new day. Sunday's are always fun days and I get to show my work for the week with family I don't see very often. My mother has some helpful tips, I get allot of "Thats Great" comments. Yet I really want to know if I'm on the right track. Its late and I still have some work to do on my business end of things. Have to balance my art, business and family life. Some days its far to easy to melt into my studio and tune out the rest of the world.
To the Balance, and hoping I keep it up!

Oh Pointy Pointy, Oh pointy pointy...

Pointillism a challenge for large hands, using tiny dots to fill a void.

My first attempt at true pointillism. (above)
a blend of acrylic, watercolor, pen and ink on a trading card sized (2-1/2" × 3-1/2" (64 mm × 89 mm)) 300 series bristol board.
The toughest style to achieve on this small of canvas, and it turns out lends itself to my original pursuit: To work my small hand and attention to detail and generally round out my technique. Thankful I have a great example close to me. That is totally her realm. I will publish the rest of the cards as they are completed.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 2, Why start at 1?

We're here at Burningtree, up at all hours pondering and playing. Starting on Day 2 of the 365 Day project for Artist Trading Cards, I painted some beautiful Owlets for a swap I am in. Day one, I made Green Ball of String for a personal trade. That just explains the pictures. The real point is what's behind. This our business of creativity, invention, and creation. Smack in the middle of one Crazy life. We live to do art, and try to live by doing art. I can't stop myself I see it everywhere. In everything. I have a box Full of animals I made out of plastic silverware that were too cool to trash. I would love to make them out of metal in the future. My Beautiful silverware menagerie. I am working in pen and ink right now. Focus on Pointillism I seem to have a knack for it. Gordon, my cohort is trying it as well. This is all about learning. Everything is about learning really if I am not learning something, whats the point? I recently found Artist Trading Cards by complete accident, and I felt it was an avenue I was meant to travel. I have been at it non stop ever since, I am getting absurd amounts of joy out of such small things. At the same time I am learning and practicing better than I have in years. I have been an artist my whole life. My parents are both artists, so I came into this honestly so to speak. It's what I do with it that differs, I want people to see my art, to enjoy it as I enjoy the art of others. I want to give a smile, or some deep thought to someone on a day they really need it, without ever knowing about it. Even if I am handing my art away I know it is being loved and shared somewhere. I want to ask tough questions. The ones that people don't even know are hard until they really stop to think about it. I want to rant and talk, communicate and educate, explore and expound, most of all be honest.